Property Care You
Can Count On!

Property care you can depend on so you can focus on what's important, your business.

At Property Care Inc. we have been providing property care since 1983! Our mission is to perform quality work to constantly please our customers and enhance our personal and corporate reputations.

Our most important goals are outstanding service and customer satisfaction. We provide a variety of janitorial services, building maintenance, and landscape maintenance services, for commercial, single-family and multi-family residential properties throughout the greater Tri-Cities area.

Over 40 Years of Property Care Experience.

There are a lot of benefits that come from choosing Property Care Inc. for your property upkeep needs.

Years of Experience
Happy Clients
Lightbulbs Changed

Kind Words from Clients

Property Care Incorporated – 4 stars – based on 3 reviews
309 Bradley Blvd. Suite 115, Richland, WA 
(509) 943-8323
Categories: Property Care, Janitorial